Monstera: A popular houseplant with unique leaves

Monstera: Priljubljena sobna rastlina z edinstvenimi listi
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Monstera is one of the most popular indoor plants, known for its large, dissected leaves that add a tropical touch to any room. This plant originates from the tropical forests of Central and South America, where it thrives in a humid and warm environment. Its distinctive Swiss cheese-like leaf shape has attracted the attention of plant lovers around the world, making monstera indispensable in many homes and offices.

Monstera is not only aesthetically appealing, but also relatively easy to care for, making it an ideal choice for both beginners and experienced gardeners. Its ability to adapt to different light conditions and resistance to less than ideal growing conditions contribute to its popularity. However, like any plant, monstera requires a certain level of care and attention to develop and thrive in full glory.

Types of monsters

Monstera comprises several species, but the two most popular and most commonly cultivated species are Monstera deliciosa and Monstera adansonii. Monstera deliciosa is known for its large, heart-shaped leaves that develop distinctive cuts and holes as they mature. This species can reach impressive sizes, which makes it often the central decoration in interiors. Monstera adansonii, also known as the Swiss cheese plant, has smaller, narrower leaves with more prominent holes but no cuts.

Monstera deliciosa, also called the “Swiss cheese plant” because of the characteristic holes in its leaves, is the most popular of all species. Its large, heart-shaped leaves with distinctive cuts and holes are its most recognizable feature. In the wild, this plant can reach a height of up to 20 meters, but indoors it usually grows up to 2-3 meters if it has enough space and support. Monstera deliciosa is prized for its robustness and ability to adapt to different growing conditions, making it ideal for indoor spaces.

Monstera adansonii, also known as the Swiss cheese plant, is a smaller and more compact version of monstera deliciosa. Its leaves are smaller and narrower, with more prominent holes, but without incisions. This plant is popular for its unique appearance and ability to grow in hanging baskets or as a climber on supports. Monstera adansonii is an excellent choice for those who have less space, but want to enjoy the tropical atmosphere that monstera brings.

Conditions for the successful growth of monstera

Monstera is a tropical plant that requires certain conditions for optimal growth and development. It thrives best in a warm and humid environment similar to its natural habitat in tropical forests. Ensuring proper conditions for monstera growth includes proper light, temperature, moisture and soil.


Monstera needs bright, indirect light for optimal growth. Too much direct sunlight can cause leaf scorch, while a lack of light slows growth and results in smaller, less dissected leaves. The ideal place for a monstera is near a window where it receives light through a filtered curtain or other plants. In rooms with less natural light, you can use plant lights to provide sufficient lighting.

Temperature and humidity

Monstera grows best at temperatures between 18°C and 30°C. Temperatures below 10°C can damage the plant, so it is important to protect it from the cold in winter. Humidity is key to monstera health, as high humidity mimics its natural environment. The recommended relative humidity for monstera is between 60% and 80%. If the air in your home is dry, you can increase the humidity by using humidifiers or by regularly spraying the leaves with water.

Land and watering

Monstera needs well-drained, nutrient-rich soil. A potting mix with added perlite or bark is ideal for airiness and drainage. Regular watering is key, but it’s important to allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings, as overwatering can cause root rot. Water monstera when the topsoil is dry to the touch, usually once a week in summer and less often in winter.

Breeding Monstera

Propagation of monstera is a simple and satisfying way to increase your plant collection or to share with friends. The most common method of propagation is by cuttings, which can be taken in spring or summer when the plant is most active. Cuttings should have at least one aerial root and one leaf to have the best chance of success.

Cuttings in water

To propagate monstera in water, cut a healthy cutting just below the aerial root. Remove the lower leaves, leaving only one or two upper leaves. Place the cutting in a glass of water, making sure the aerial root is completely submerged. Place the jar in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. Change the water regularly to keep it fresh. After a few weeks, you should notice the development of roots, and after about a month you can transplant the cutting into the ground.

Cuttings in the ground

Reproduction of monstera in the soil is similar to reproduction in water. Cut a healthy cutting just below the aerial root and remove the lower leaves. Plant the cutting in a pot with well-draining soil, making sure the aerial root is covered with soil. Place the pot in a bright place and water regularly to keep the soil moist, but not soggy. After a few weeks, you should see new roots and leaves growing.

How to care for monstera: one of the most popular indoor plants

Monstera is one of the most popular houseplants due to its characteristic, large and dissected leaves and ease of care. Its tropical origin and adaptability to different growing conditions make it ideal for different indoor environments. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to care for monstera and ensure your plant is healthy and lush.

Choosing the right place for monstera

Monstera thrives best in bright but indirect light conditions. Too much direct sunlight can cause leaf scorch, while a lack of light slows growth and results in smaller, less dissected leaves. The ideal place for a monstera is near a window where it receives light through a filtered curtain or other plants. In rooms with less natural light, you can use plant lights to provide sufficient lighting.

Watering and moisture

Monstera requires regular watering, but it is important that the soil dries out slightly between waterings, as overwatering can cause root rot. Water monstera when the topsoil is dry to the touch, usually once a week in summer and less often in winter. When watering, make sure that the water drains freely from the pot to prevent water stagnation.

Humidity is key to monstera health, as high humidity mimics its natural environment. The recommended relative humidity for monstera is between 60% and 80%. If the air in your home is dry, you can increase the humidity by using humidifiers or by regularly spraying the leaves with water. In addition, you can place a container of water near the plant to increase local humidity.

Choosing the right soil and fertilization

Monstera needs well-drained, nutrient-rich soil. A potting mix with added perlite or bark is ideal for airiness and drainage. Regular watering is key, but it’s important to allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings, as overwatering can cause root rot.

Fertilizing monstera is important to provide the necessary nutrients for growth and development. Use a balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer once a month during the growing season (spring and summer). In winter, when the plant is resting, reduce the frequency of fertilization or stop it altogether, depending on the growth of the plant.

Pruning and shape maintenance

Monstera can grow quickly and become very large, so pruning is important to maintain the desired shape and size. Prune the plant in spring or summer when it is most active. Remove any yellow or damaged leaves to encourage new growth and keep the plant looking healthy.

If you want your monstera to grow in a certain direction or shape, use support poles or trellises for the plant to climb. This not only improves the aesthetic appearance, but also helps the plant maintain stability as it grows larger.

Monstere common problems and solutions

Like any plant, monstera can face many problems that are important to recognize and treat correctly to keep the plant healthy and vital. The most common problems include yellow or brown leaves, root rot and pest attacks.

Yellow leaves

Yellow leaves are often a sign of overwatering or lack of nutrients. Overwatering can cause root rot, preventing the plant from absorbing nutrients. Check if the soil is too wet and reduce the frequency of watering. In addition, make sure that the plant has enough light and that the soil is rich in nutrients. If only one or two leaves turn yellow, you can remove them so that the plant directs its energy to healthy parts.

Brown leaves

Brown leaves can be a sign of insufficient humidity, excessive exposure to the sun or lack of watering. Check that the air in the room is dry and increase the humidity by using a humidifier or by regularly spraying the leaves with water. If the leaves are exposed to direct sunlight, move them to a more shady spot. Also, make sure you water the plant regularly, but not excessively.


Monstera can be a target of various pests such as mites, aphids and molluscs. Check the leaves regularly for signs of pests such as small spots, sticky residue or webs. If you notice pests, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or spray them with soapy water or insecticidal soap. In severe cases, a systemic insecticide can be used.

Monstera in interior decoration

Due to its magnificent shape and large leaves, Monstera is an ideal plant for interior decoration. Its luxurious leaves add a tropical touch every space and create a feeling of natural beauty. Monstera goes perfectly with a variety of interior design styles, from contemporary to boho, Scandinavian and industrial.

Monstera as central decoration

Monstera can be a central decoration in the living room, dining room or office. Place it in a large pot on the floor or on a raised stand to show off its leaves. You can combine it with other houseplants to create a green oasis, or place it alone to stand out as a centerpiece.

Monstera in hanging baskets or on supports

Due to its climbing nature, Monstera adansonii is ideal for growing in hanging baskets or on supports. Place it in a hanging basket in a bright spot so its leaves can droop down, or use a support such as moss or trellis to help the plant climb upwards. This method of cultivation not only increases the aesthetic value of the monstera, but also helps it maintain health and vitality.

Combination with different styles of interior design

Monstera fits perfectly with different styles of interior design. In modern spaces, its luxurious leaves can create a contrast with “_blank” rel=”noopener”>minimalist furniture and clean lines. In a boho interior, monstera is beautifully complemented by natural materials such as wood, rattan and textiles with ethnic patterns. In Scandinavian rooms, monstera adds a touch of warmth and natural beauty that goes perfectly with white walls, light wood and simple shapes.

Monstera is more than just a houseplant; is a symbol of tropical beauty and natural elegance that brings freshness and vitality to every room. Its distinctive leaf shape, easy care and versatility in incorporating it into interior decoration are the reasons why monstera is so popular with plant lovers around the world. With proper care and attention, monstera can thrive and grow, bringing a tropical touch to your home or office.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced gardener, monstera will bring you joy and satisfaction. Follow our tips for care, propagation and inclusion of monstera in interior decoration so that you can enjoy all its beauty and benefits. Monstera is not just a plant, it is a part of nature that you can bring into your home and enjoy every day.

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